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County Coordinator: Position Vacant

State Coordinator: Leon Moya
Assistant State Coordinators: Tom Bombaci, Jr. and Donna Cain

"Luna County, New Mexico was created by an act of the New Mexico Legislature adopted on March 16, 1901. The new County was comprised of the eastern portion of Grant County and the western portion of Doña Ana County. It is said that the impulse to create the county of Luna arose from the intense rivalry between the cities of Deming and Silver City in Grant County. Beginning in 1881 legislation was annually introduced in the Territorial legislature to create a new county and separate the two cities. Finally, the local leaders of the effort secured the support of Don Solomon Luna a prominent Republican politician in the New Mexico Territory".

If you are interested in hosting a county, please contact the State Coordinator.

The State Coordinator is Leon Moya

Your help is needed and will be much appreciated.