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Camp Cody

A penny postcard to ancestor in Kadoka SD. Dated from Deming N Mex Sep 1917.
Indicates on the front "Building Camp Cody #20 Deming N. Mex. If you can post, please do to share.

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Camp Cody in Luna County, NM was built as a Army encampment, 2 miles West of Deming, NM. Camp Cody was an area of about 2,000 acres and in 1917 during WW I there were over 30,000 Troops there. Camp Cody was named for William F. Cody who was better known as Buffalo Bill. After WW I it was used as a tuberculosis sanitorium for ex-soldiers. It was transferred in 1922 from the US Public Health service to the Deming Chamber of Commerce and the sanitorium was then managed by the Sisters of the Holy Cross.